Thursday, October 2, 2014

Ye Have Done it Unto Me

Yesterday I received an email with instructions for serving in the peanut butter cannery in our area. The Church operates the factory to provide peanut butter for low-income families and as emergency food for times of, well, emergency (an example: I once listened to a talk regarding the response to the Teton Dam flood in eastern Idaho back in the 70s. The speaker mentioned that one of the emergency foods supplied came from the Houston peanut butter factory). Initially my name was put down as a "back-up" in case someone else couldn't make it. When I got the email indicating that my service was wanted, I admit to not being pleased about it. I don't even really like peanut butter.

While reading the New Testament last year, I took note of the Savior's methods of serving. Matthew basically starts with the Lord preaching the Sermon on the Mount, and then the rest of the book is dedicated to Him demonstrating how to live those things He preached, starting with chapter 8. I am listing some things I learned in chapter 8 about how Christ served, and therefore how I should serve (this isn't all inclusive).

He served without qualifiers or conditions. Man, woman, child, Jew or Gentile.
He served despite having other pressing duties.
He served without physically being present.
He served without being asked.
He served with the intent to teach proper principles.
His service was not limited to physical actions.
He served regardless of whether those receiving the service would receive Him or His message.

As a Christian, I am trying to emulate Christ. And one of the ways that I can do that is through devoted service to those around me. Including accepting the assignment to make peanut butter.

--Who does like peanut butter in puppy chow (or muddy buddies, to some)

P.S. Anybody can volunteer at the peanut butter cannery, including companies and organizations. Details here.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the post and both video clips. They touched my heart and made me want to serve better.
    PS--chocolate dipped peanut butter cookies
