For thirteen years I taught
religious education classes to teenaged members of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. The classes are
called “Seminary” and they are just one of many wonderful sources of strength
for youth everywhere (check out this resource, for example: Youth ) In Seminary kids
study, over the four-year period of high school, the Old Testament, New Testament,
Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price.
Each Christmas I tried to
come up with some little token of love and appreciation for my kids for
Christmas—something inexpensive but through which they could feel my love for
them as a teacher, as well as the Savior’s love for them. They were
teenagers, they were in a challenging part of life, and I wanted my
love—as well as God’s love—to be a source of strength and encouragement for them.
One year I came across a
great idea I used with my students. It was called “Ten Things I Love About
________________ “ (fill in the blank with the student’s name). I bought some
cute Christmas stationery and sat down to list for each of my fifty-some
students ten things I loved about them.
Happily, many kids I could have listed twenty or thirty characteristics for; and sadly, there were a few I really had to think and pray about in order
to come up with ten genuine points of love. But I did it!
I rolled each paper up like a
small scroll, sealed it with a golden “Do Not Open Until Christmas” seal and
tied it with a festive ribbon, then put the gifts in each student’s cubby right before the holiday break.
Almost all the kids were
excited and intrigued with the little gift that year and couldn’t wait to open
them, but sadly, there was one student who never did take his gift with him or
even open it there at the Seminary building. Christmas passed, the school year ended and he
walked out of the classroom for the last time, the scroll with my statements of
love still sitting, unopened, in his cubby.
I have reflected on that fact
with sadness. This young man had troubles: problems at home in his family;
academic challenges at school; social deficiencies regarding his peers. If
there was ever someone who needed to know that he was loved, it was this. But he left the statements—the evidence--of
love on the shelf.
From time to time over the
years I think about that boy. I still feel sad for him. But I have come to
recognize, to a degree, a bit of all of us in him.
There is Someone who loves us
intimately and perfectly. Think of that: He knows us intimately and perfectly—and still loves
us! He has prepared evidences—statements, if you will—of that love, and placed
them all around us, within our reach, hoping that we will pick them up, open them up, and feel
His love for us. Those gifts of love include priceless offerings such as the
holy scriptures; living prophets; the stunning beauties of nature;
strategically placed people in our lives; and most of all, the Perfect Gift of
His Son.
Every time we turn to one
of those sources of love, encouragement and strength, I think our Heavenly
Father is pleased. He wants us to feel His love.
Who, writing about Christmas, is starting to get excited
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