"If we listen to the prophets of this day, poverty would be replaced with loving care for the poor and needy. Many serious and deadly health problems would be avoided through compliance with the Word of Wisdom and the laws of sexual purity. Payment of tithing would bless us, and we would have sufficient for our needs. If we follow the counsel given by the prophets, we can have a life in mortality where we do not bring upon ourselves unnecessary pain and self-destruction. This does not mean we will not have challenges. We will. This does not mean we will not be tested. We will, for this is part of our purpose on earth. But if we will listen to the counsel of our prophet, we will become stronger and be able to withstand the tests of mortality. We will have hope and joy. All the words of counsel from the prophets of all generations have been given so that we may be strengthened and then be able to lift and strengthen others.
The desire of the prophets is to assist our Father in Heaven and his Son Jesus Christ in bringing about the great objectives of the plan of salvation, or, as one ancient prophet called it, “the great plan of happiness” (Alma 42:8).
We declare with soberness, and yet with the authority of God in us vested, we have a prophet today."
I grew up in a home with parents who believed that Jesus Christ's church was on the earth today and that He continued to guide His Church through the scriptures and through His current prophet on the earth. So I can't really tell you how I would feel if I grew up in a different household with a different faith or without faith at all--I can't really tell you how I would feel if someone declared to me that God still speaks to us today. That we are His children. That He has called a man to preside over the church and that you can know for yourself that all of this is right and true (see the promise in Moroni 10:3-5). I might be cynical and skeptical. I might think it made sense. I might not care.
What I will say is that I find the doctrine of continuing revelation--of God continuing to care and converse with His children very comforting. But I don't believe in prophets because it is comforting and nice to think about. I believe in prophets because when I read their words or listen to the current prophet speak, it feels very, very different than reading and listening to anything else. And when I have lived what they teach, it has made all the difference in my life. What they say has been absolutely true for me.
Who really likes what this prophet has to say.
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